Maintenance Services

Maintenance Services Maintenance and After-Sales Service Alpha Hydraulic Company is keen to maintain its philosophy and approach in consolidating the long-term relationship with its customers, starting from the planning and design process according to the customer’s requirements, through the installation process, and until the after-sales service stage. The quality of the maintenance process at Alpha Hydraulic Company. It is the guarantee for the continuity of quality performance and reliability of the elevator system. The company provides its customers with the highest quality of maintenance stipulated in the contract by a work team of engineers and technicians with a high degree of advanced technical technology, as well as using modern tools. This is done with extreme precision to maintain the elevator and its tasks through periodic maintenance in the best possible way. Condition and at the highest performance in accordance with the standard specifications for operation, and through the maintenance contract, all the customer’s needs are covered, including regular maintenance, repair, emergency reports, and safety tests, in addition to replacing the spare parts that cause the malfunction. The malfunction notification center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to receive customer reports. Providing speed of response with the best performance. With this service, we always provide our customers with quick service and maintenance for the elevator, wherever they are and at any time, with the latest technology available, decentralized, multi-microprocessor, programmed control, capable of monitoring all operations, treating problems, identifying and diagnosing defects immediately, and sending a defect report. This is done remotely from anywhere, and this system ensures the following: Monitoring the elevator 24 hours a day, 7 days a week * Reducing malfunctions and downtime in operation * Accurate and rapid identification and analysis of elevator malfunctions * Fast and intelligent response to malfunctions *

Supply of elevators

Installing elevators

Elevator repair

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the phone

01228529117- 01001633146 - 01122177272 - 0224505276

the address

21 C Al-Fardous Towers - Ahmed Saeed Extension - Al-Abbasiya - Cairo, Egypt

Doing new work brings new strength.

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